Our watches keep us in check, our lives in order. Watches keep us from working overtime and keeping us from getting enough sleep. >=( But still, most of us can't live without watches.
Just last week at the very last moment before the start of a new busy week, my watch died. It died at around 4.15pm Frantically, I searched for a watch shop in town, systematically combing every row of shops that I knew existed. I had lost all sense of time by now and it was around 6 I figured from the Sun. (Yeah... the sun, it was setting fast) =/
The week began here:
Day 1.Then sis called, (Not the exact conversation, modified a bit)
Sis: "I am coming at 7 to drop your camera!".
(Oh no! What time was it now? grr my watch...)
Me: "Ok, I would like to go for dinner too if thats fine with you."
Sis: "Sure, done, I'll be on my way."
Me: "One more thing, my watch died, can we go and get it fixed?"
Sis: "uhmm... ok sure we'll go to Subang Parade with my bf."
Me: "Ok, be down by 7. Bye."
Ok... 7pm... it was 6.15 now from my clock, I got ready and waited... waited... grr... my watch... (the time now was only 6.35 and I didn't realize it until I had a look at the clock)
So I took of my shoes and sat down on the couch...
Tick Tick Tick...
7pm, dinner, after dinner, we went found a watch shop and...
"I'm sorry, we don't fix
YOUR KIND of watches here, they will lose its water resistance if we fix it."
Wha... What? Why not... whats so special about my watch? I really shouldn't have bought a G Shock watch... (stupid expensive bulkheads...) >=(
No watches can withstand my superly abusive lifestyle, I run, I jump, I fly, I freeze, I burn, I drown, I... I...
DESTROY!My previous watch however, stood up to my ultimate test of abuse, it stood as my trusty companion for 6 years... 6 years is long enough with the kind of treatment i give them.
End of day 1, no solution, let sis have watch to be fixed, week begins here.
Day 2.Urggh no watch...
*Late for class*
*Fooling around in Physics class.*
hmm... whats this?
HEY! My T-84 calculator has a clock! Really... smart engineers!
*Set clock, 17/03/01 6.43am*
*urggh... what time is it now? looks at handphone for time*
*ok set*
for the rest of physics class, finally aware of the time, I dreamed that particle accelerators could accelerate time too...
Day 3.*Hey the calculator is really handy in maths class =)*
*I can now pretend to calculate while looking at the time without showing any signs of boredom =p*
*CALCULATE!... click click click *
Still exploring my new found companion, I named my calculator "Termite" after Terminator who came to save the world from the future... (smart engineers of the future) =)
Presentation today, but totally fell short of minimum time requirements... (grr watch...)
Luckily I did prepare some extra time wasters. =D (Always have Plan B.... and then Plan C)
Day 4.Late again for Physics =P
No handphones allowed in World issues and English 4C classes... Thank god for Termite the time keeping calculator. =D
Recived message, "Your watch has been repaired."
Great! well now i can have it back!
2nd line read "Not free today, drop it to you another day"
Aww.... =(
Day 5.Today, time wasn't really important. I was occupied for the most part of the day with work... working overtime pass the limit...(grr... watch...)
At 6.20pm, I received a message, "Drop your watch at 7.30"
Finally... light at the end of the tunnel...
At 7.30pm exactly according to my newly resurrected watch.
-now, it is 9.13pm and my watch is sitting on my bed, left out to rest after its recent resurrection. =D
-tomorrow would not be an easy day for it, it better rest for now!.
Ps. this week I have seen enough videos on violence and killing... such loss of humanity, I feel a bit depressed but I am fine.
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." - Mahatma Gandhi