Sunday, March 9, 2008

Operation Shock and Awe

After following the pathetic politics of Malaysia for the past three months, finally the polls were here and the misery of the Malaysian people was about to end.

This morning, the as preliminary results raised up from the ends of the earth just like how the sun rose out of the horizon, I went out buy the daily newspaper when I was shocked to see ss15 lay as a ghost town. Never in my life, have I seen ss15 so deserted before.

The only lifeforms I saw were the foreign workers having their Sunday break and a few pigeons smack in the center of the Carrefour junction having a great time basking in the mornin' sun and enjoying the day's unpolluted air.

Most Malaysians were busy worrying about "violence" that might pop out of the ballot boxes. However, I could not imagine any violence here in ss15 where even the pigeons of could have a peaceful pact with the cats.

So strolling back on my way home still unable to find an open newspaper stand... I finally decided to make use of the God given internet. Sigh...

Well lets see... hmm... uhmm... , lost 5 states... ok, Kit Siang wins in Perak... well,not suprising, lost 2/3 majority... hmm ok, Uh wait! -rewind back to headline- LOST 2/3 MAJORITY?. Wow, how did the opposition achieve that? With the government's "Operation Shock and Awe" featuring all those sexy BN media cheerleaders and corny mottoes like "Only one choice?, Vote for BN"(isn't that dictatorship?), by the government. I read on the internet that the public in certain areas were so desperate that they voted for anything except the government. Wow...I never thought that people could be so desperate to do so, I wonder how many pencils did these furious voters break in the process. =)

However, for me, the minority public (teenagers) that have no say whatsoever on the country... life goes on as usual, much more secure that tomorrow, the government cannot amend the constitution to prohibit the use of toilet paper to take notes in classes. =)


Blogger Unknown said...

it's nice. i always marvel at ur ability to write so well...

March 9, 2008 at 8:38 PM


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