Wednesday, April 30, 2008


tagged by Suze...

RULES : Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!

1. I have nothing to say yet a lot to say!
2. Do I contradict myself? Very well I contradict myself...
3. I have not tasted most of the cheeses i put out here. Uh.. Lois, I guess brie must be really good eh? lol
4. I love Quarter Pounder
5. I breathe air =D
6. I don't like most of Israel's actions...
7. I have an alien pet plushie
8. I have hiperhidrosis (Sweaty palms)
9. I stopped being a Coke addict. (If I can do it, YOU can too)
10.I interpret dreams.
11.I don't play DOTA. ( I just don't, don't ask why...)
12.I hate people who oppose me with no valid reason. >=(
13.I had always wanted to go to space.
14.I know Africa is a continent! (I'm smarter than YOU!)
15.When I was small I wanted to be the leader of the world, at that time, I believed the leader of the world was Bill Clinton. (Insights into my ambitions anybody?)

My planet is better than yours...

Today was the day to pass up our CCA's WOOOHOOO! Burden lost, ship goes full speed ahead!
Ok so now 3 more CCA's to go...

To reward the class, Mr. K allowed us to watch Planet Earth, From pole to pole.

As we watched the sun travel from the north pole to the south pole, the whole class was speechless, utterly amazed... how beautiful our world is...

Thank God for our planet, Its simply amazing, everyday I look at the sky, Its different, never a day the same.

And Happy Labour day! =D

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lion of Judah Pt.1

I enrolled myself into a hectic week last week lol, I'm so sorry my blog fell into a state of neglect.
Ok, so what happened last week? What caused us to live in utter boredom with no updates to read? LOL!

Ok... Ok... Last week I joined the Taylors Model United Nations conference-

*Model United Nations? What the heck is that?*

Uh... its a student version of the United Nations, my dear impatient readers. =P


We basically had a mock General Assembly that discussed various current world issues discussed in the current UN General Assembly.

-When registering last Tuesday:
Board mem.: What country would u like to represent?
Me: China!
Board mem.: Sorry taken!
Me: Uh... Occupied Palestinian Territory?
Board mem.: Uh... I'm sorry but that country is not included, here have a look at the list.
(Looks at list)
Me: *Madagascar... Morocco... Monaco... Malaysia...* YEESH... Mud...!
(All the bigger nations were taken except for...)
Me: I'll take ISRAEL if thats available hehe...

What IN Enstine's Relative World was I getting myself into!?

So poof, poop and pood, I was the Delegate of Israel now, and for 3 days I'll be Kosher!(Jewish version of halal)

Ok.... so the real event starts here, end of Pt 1:

Lion of Judah Pt.2

Part 2:

Day 1...
Opening speech by me, heard some *WAH...* (shocking disbelieve) from the chair during my passionate speech.
-You see, my speech was very emo and was about Iran Nuke Issue
Resolution drafting... left this out... I didn't know how to draft one.

Day 2...
1. Iran Nuclear Security, Resolution by World Nuclear Association (only NGO represented)
-Muddled up, all muddled up, we were supposed to be talking about security not about nuclear power generation...

Vote: Failed with overwhelming majority.

Feelings of victory and yet remorse, they must have felt like that after defeating the Arabs in 1948. We have wasted too much time on a crappy resolution.

2. Reconciliation and restoration of Zimbabwe, by USA
The dudes from the states was great but he missed out on the reconciliation part, =D
Israel, took up the against side ALONE. Very Israeli like...
In the end, I pushed for an Amendment, an additional clause to call for the immediate release of the 2008 Zimbabwe G. elections results.

Vote: Passed with overwhelming majority. =D

Best resolution in the whole conference to me.

Day 3...
3. Role of diamonds in conflicts
This resolution was totally shortsighted, it focused mainly and only on Africa, added with a lot of junk clauses about social infrastructure(we are talking about diamonds here miss...) too long at 17 clauses.

once again, it was a lone Vendetta... Me Vs. The Hall
*Thx Sofia and Ni Juin for coming and see me speak*

I was hungry as it was before lunch and I didn't do my speech very well.

Vote: Passed with overwhelming majority, only 1 against, Israel.

4. Drug trafficking in role of financing terrorism.

Sat this one out, too tired and hungry...

Vote: Failed, I abstained.


Plenerary Session (Session where GA1+GA2* were combined and passed resolution debated again)
*GA1: Political Issues GA2: Social Issues

1. Role of Diamonds in conflict
Mmmmhhhmmm... hehe... this time, I was confident, I couldn't sit still waiting for all the FOR speeches...

My finest hour begins...

*Israel you have been granted the right to the floor*

And so, I gave the same speech as I did earlier that day, This time, I spoke with aggression and passion, so much hot air was created around me, the chair had a hard time controlling the floor, ppl laughed when I ridiculed the resolution being biased and based only on Africa...
And clapped everytime I gave a good point. I drove the chair crazy, the hall was going to explode!

I spoke like Hugo Chavez, many minds were changed others, hardened, but what did I care, I am after all Israel, the nation which may go against all UN resolutions and International laws. Israel was a man with a gun, and so I was... for 3 days.

Vote: Passed again but with a very slim majority this time.(I concluded that ppl did not know that diamonds were also found outside Africa)

The way I spoke, unintentionally proved Mr.K's lesson on plays, Actors way of acting played an important role in making the play a success. All the hot air... If only it was permanent... =D

*So u see I lost my weekend and Im dead busy with my CCA's and work till next time Toda Raba! (Thank You Very Much in Hebrew)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cheese of the week Pt.3

Next week would be a though week again for me, so i'm sorry if i don't have much to post.

This wee, we look at brie, a cheese I have never tasted before but still, it sounds tasty =9

Brie is a soft, cows' cheese named after Brie, the French province in which it originated (roughly corresponding to the modern département of Seine-et-Marne). It is pale in colour with a slight greyish tinge under crusty white mould; very soft and savoury with a hint of ammonia. The white mouldy rind is edible, and is not intended to be separated from the cheese during consumption.

The region in France that gave its name to this cheese (Brie) is, in the French language, feminine: La Brie, but French products take the gender of their general category; in this case cheese (Le fromage) is masculine, and so Brie is also masculine, Le Brie.

According to legend, during the 8th century, Charlemagne had his first taste of Brie cheese, and immediately fell in love with it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Earth Week!

Well so hello everybody, this week is Earth Week as we run up to Earth Day, which is on April 22nd. So hey everybody, start doing something to give back what we took from the Earth. This is our only home, our only Earth.

So here is my plan for the week:

1. No "Ta Pau" (take away) in polystyrene containers.
2. Use the recycling bins.
4. Jaga my basil plant better =)

I am going to do my part, so what are you going to do to make this world a better place?

Other non-effort obligations:
Movie: "The inconvenient truth" in class.
Assignment: Climate change.
Online Discussion: "The inconvenient truth".

My class rocks... yours stink.... Xd

Monday, April 14, 2008

From a child's eyes

This poem was nominated by the United Nations as the best poem of 2006. It was written by an African child.

When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black
And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up,you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray
And you calling me colored??

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Chronicles of "Subang Park" Pt. 1

Today, Mrs. Tan my Advance Functions lecturer, held a small picnic for her mentees and some of her students from her class which included ME!

Already late preparing my contribution to the picnic (Bruschetta), I rushed down to Subang Park with a steady pace with little time to absorb and enjoy the beautiful Saturday morning. I tell you, it was the best weather in a few months.

Passing Sheraton, I wasn't sure about the directions to the park. Thank God I met a friendly man who helped me get my bearings right. *Phew* I hate to be lost what more at this very late moment. =|

I took a short breath when I reached the park then, someone honked me and hollered out to me.
*Blur... Blur...*
Me: Oh, hey! (It was Eng Seng)
Eng Seng: Wanna ride?
Me: Sure why not.
Eng Seng: Get in then.
Me: (You bet!) =D

So riding in Eng Seng's moms car with him, we went a short distance until we hit some traffic in the park's roads. We opt to walk to the park now which was not more than 50m away.

Hey, I Eng Seng, do you see them?
Uh... nope =/

*Teet Teet* (Sofia the redhead calling)
Sofia: Hey Alex, where are you? I can't find Mrs. Tan and I have been walking around twice already. People are looking at me with that "you don't belong here" look because I am carrying a handbag and all."
Me : Uh... I haven't found Mrs. Tan yet too, where are you?
Sofia: I am at the main area near the tennis courts.
Me: Ok, I am with Eng Seng, we will go look at the other end of the park.

20 min later, we were still wandering about but we decided to meet now, Eng Seng's nasi lemak was waiting to be eaten. =P

*calls sofia again*
Me: Where are you?
Sofia: I am near the Frangiepanie trees.
Me: What the HECK is Frenchiepanie? (A french tree?)
Sofia: You know Frangiepanie? (hmm... NO!)
Me: It has flowers right, what color are they?
Sofia: White, they have white flowers.
Me: Ok, be there, just stay put for a moment.

Red hair day! Ken and Sofia

The Chronicles of "Subang Park" Pt. 2

Walking towards the Frenchie trees, we passed two boys fantastically enjoying taking photos with their cameras and a couple of other joggers.

From the end of the park, I could see somebody with red hair waving frantically at us.
It took me 5 seconds to make out who that girl was and why was she waving frantically towards us. LOL 5 full seconds... =D

Hey, it's Ken! (Yet another redhead, this one, original hair color)
So we stood there wasting 5 minutes on what to do...
Then, we broke into 2 teams to try to cover a larger area.(the park's probably a hundred acres large...) =(

Sofia: Should I call Mr. Tan to ask about Mrs. Tan (Mr. Tan is not related to Mrs. Tan, Mr.T teaches Physics, Mrs.T teaches Adv. Func.)
Me: You can try...
Sofia: Ok, I'll call. ( I personally wouldn't have the courage too) =D
*in call*

However the call was fruitless, Mr. Tan did not know Mrs. Tan... =\
Desperate... I keep pushing Sofia to try the back end of the park again as that is the most hidden place around.

Sofia: But I went round there twice alredy...
Me: So have I, but I haven't covered the very back end yet.
Sofia: Hmm... Ok, lets give it a try.

Up the back end, we saw a group of people sitting on the floor presumably having a picnic.
Sofia: Nah it can't be them can it?
Me: Looks like Mrs. Tan's back to me. (Always see her back in class) =P
Sofia: *ICPU!* (Discreet shout)
Me: What!? What's that for.
Sofia: *giggle* what else should I say?
Me: (ignores last reply) IT IS MRS. TAN!

Me: Thank goodness we found you Mrs. Tan!
Mrs. Tan: Where were you guys...
Sofia: *Chuckles* I went round twice.....

I left the conversation and ran down the hill to call Eng Seng and Ken.
Halfway down the hill (slope), I realized that I had no way of contacting them (no HP) and I had no idea where those guys were, Thank God, and the Angels that Ken had red hair and was wearing somekind of "lime green" boxers... XD Now, how hard is it not to spot him.

Soon we were all at the small platform, munching away... hungry from the lengthy search. The picnic was pretty pleasant from here except for Sofia who kept shouting *Mr. Tan* at every jogger that passed. =\ She wanted to know who Mrs. Tan husband was after Mrs. Tan made a mistake of telling her that Mr. Tan was in the park.

Well, another Saturday to remember...
You guys who didn't come missed everything! =D

Group shot with "red heads" on the left and
Mrs. Tan in the center with her mentees.

Cheese of the week Pt. 2

This week, I shall introduce the hard stinking Parmesan cheese, hard and creamy looking, Parmesan cheese can easily be mistaken for a bar of soap if not fot its give away stench.
Well, have fun reading about this good ol' stinker!

Parmesan Cheese

This hard, dry cheese is made from skimmed or partially skimmed cow's milk. It has a hard, pale-golden rind and a straw-colored interior with a rich, sharp flavor. There are Parmesan cheeses made in Argentina, Australia and the United States, but none compares with Italy's preeminent Parmigiano-Reggiano, with its granular texture that melts in the mouth. Whereas the U.S. renditions are aged 14 months, Parmigiano-Reggianos are more often aged 2 years. Those labeled stravecchio have been aged 3 years, while stravecchiones are 4 years old. Their complex flavor and extremely granular texture are a result of the long aging. The words Parmigiano-Reggiano stenciled on the rind mean that the cheese was produced in the areas of Bologna, Mantua, Modena or Parma (from which the name of this cheese originated). Parmesans are primarily used for grating and in Italy are termed grana, meaning "grain" and referring to their granular textures. Pregrated Parmesan is available but doesn't compare with freshly grated. Both domestic and imported Parmesans are available in specialty cheese stores, Italian markets and many supermarkets.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Clothing problems

Today I overheard a telephone conversation:
Girl on phone: "You better buy me $500-$600 worth of clothes, I have no clothes to wear to collage every day." (Angry tone...)

I could only wonder who was on the other end of the line... her mom? her dad? her boyfriend?
And she looked like she had some pretty good clothes on...

What culture has this world brought for us...
Or, what culture have we created for this world...

Food for thought

There this one stall, by Asia Cafe (truly Asian!!).
It is said that the stall sells great "Yau Char Guai", some kind of fried dough...(fried pretzels!) =D
Living is SS15 long enough, I know this place so well I could tell where I am with my eyes close. (ceh...) LOL.

Becky "the overly bubbly girl" (Classmate) was writing an article on great food around ss15, she wanted to know what was my daily diet was. She wanted to know the best places to eat around. (You serious!? You'd ask a thin boy of all ppl!?) XD

So we met at "Truly" Asia Cafe and the first stall I told her about was... the not so famous great "Yau Char Guai" stall, just a few steps away. I personally have never tasted anything from that stall before but I told her it was good anyways.(Lab rat) =P

*few minutes later*

Becky: Nah, *small thud*
Me: Why you buy two? (Manglish)
Becky: For you lah!
Me: Oh, nvm lah, you eat lah, I am alredy eating my rice. (Manglish again, sorry folks)
Becky: *throws one "fried pretzel" on my Indian curry rice* =(
Becky: I don't care, I buy already now you must eat. See your size...
Me: =(
*munch munch*
Me: Hmm... not bad... very special, I have never tasted "Yau Char Guai" like that before, Crispy, very Crispy on the outside but soft and fluffy on the inside. WOW!
*Daydreams and enjoys my "fried pretzel" like a kid*
Becky: So good or not!?
Me: Yeah yeah... very nice... Blah Blah... nice nice all nice.

Day 2
After badminton, I craved for a snack. Secretly munching on my "fried dough" I heard my name being called.... Ceh... Suzanne(HOI), in her car...

Suzanne: Where did you get the "Yau Char Guai" from?
Me: That stall over there (Yonder)
Suzanne: Is it that famous stall?
Me: Yeah Yeah, Its really good!
Suzanne: =( (regrets she's driving)

Day 3
Suzanne: How you know about the stall?
Me: I live so near how would i not know? =P
Suzanne: I read about it in a book...
Me: Yeah the "Malaysian Street Foods" book right?
Suzanne: Eh, how you know?
(I know about it as it won some prestigious food book price...)
Me: I'm an Ipoh boy lah, how can I dunno? LOL

Day 4
I had planned to take the photos for the yearbook article. The weather was good but humidity was insane, probably around 200%. =(

The uncle at the stall, was an employed foreigner. He had worked there for years, and he said that the "Yau Char Guai" had been fried for over an hour now.

So after a couple of photos I bought two "Yau Char Guai", hmm mmm.... LOL

Today, it was too humid, the "Fried Dough" was soft and cold, after the rain... So, maybe next time...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Watch me for a week

Our watches keep us in check, our lives in order. Watches keep us from working overtime and keeping us from getting enough sleep. >=( But still, most of us can't live without watches.

Just last week at the very last moment before the start of a new busy week, my watch died. It died at around 4.15pm Frantically, I searched for a watch shop in town, systematically combing every row of shops that I knew existed. I had lost all sense of time by now and it was around 6 I figured from the Sun. (Yeah... the sun, it was setting fast) =/

The week began here:

Day 1.

Then sis called, (Not the exact conversation, modified a bit)
Sis: "I am coming at 7 to drop your camera!".
(Oh no! What time was it now? grr my watch...)
Me: "Ok, I would like to go for dinner too if thats fine with you."
Sis: "Sure, done, I'll be on my way."
Me: "One more thing, my watch died, can we go and get it fixed?"
Sis: "uhmm... ok sure we'll go to Subang Parade with my bf."
Me: "Ok, be down by 7. Bye."

Ok... 7pm... it was 6.15 now from my clock, I got ready and waited... waited... grr... my watch... (the time now was only 6.35 and I didn't realize it until I had a look at the clock)
So I took of my shoes and sat down on the couch...

Tick Tick Tick...

7pm, dinner, after dinner, we went found a watch shop and...

"I'm sorry, we don't fix YOUR KIND of watches here, they will lose its water resistance if we fix it."

Wha... What? Why not... whats so special about my watch? I really shouldn't have bought a G Shock watch... (stupid expensive bulkheads...) >=(

No watches can withstand my superly abusive lifestyle, I run, I jump, I fly, I freeze, I burn, I drown, I... I... DESTROY!

My previous watch however, stood up to my ultimate test of abuse, it stood as my trusty companion for 6 years... 6 years is long enough with the kind of treatment i give them.

End of day 1, no solution, let sis have watch to be fixed, week begins here.

Day 2.

Urggh no watch...
*Late for class*
*Fooling around in Physics class.*
hmm... whats this?
HEY! My T-84 calculator has a clock! Really... smart engineers!
*Set clock, 17/03/01 6.43am*
*urggh... what time is it now? looks at handphone for time*
*ok set*

for the rest of physics class, finally aware of the time, I dreamed that particle accelerators could accelerate time too...

Day 3.

*Hey the calculator is really handy in maths class =)*
*I can now pretend to calculate while looking at the time without showing any signs of boredom =p*
*CALCULATE!... click click click *

Still exploring my new found companion, I named my calculator "Termite" after Terminator who came to save the world from the future... (smart engineers of the future) =)

Presentation today, but totally fell short of minimum time requirements... (grr watch...)
Luckily I did prepare some extra time wasters. =D (Always have Plan B.... and then Plan C)

Day 4.

Late again for Physics =P

No handphones allowed in World issues and English 4C classes... Thank god for Termite the time keeping calculator. =D

Recived message, "Your watch has been repaired."
Great! well now i can have it back!
2nd line read "Not free today, drop it to you another day"
Aww.... =(

Day 5.

Today, time wasn't really important. I was occupied for the most part of the day with work... working overtime pass the limit...(grr... watch...)

At 6.20pm, I received a message, "Drop your watch at 7.30"
Finally... light at the end of the tunnel...

At 7.30pm exactly according to my newly resurrected watch.

-now, it is 9.13pm and my watch is sitting on my bed, left out to rest after its recent resurrection. =D

-tomorrow would not be an easy day for it, it better rest for now!.

Ps. this week I have seen enough videos on violence and killing... such loss of humanity, I feel a bit depressed but I am fine.

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." - Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, April 4, 2008

Interview Session... Ahem!

As most of you would have known, I am have applied for the JPA scholarship. JPA scholarship is from the government and yeah there is a quota. Now now, you rich bums out there on FAMA (Father & Mother Scholarship), I have utter immovable faith in our Government ok? LOL, no you don't believe me? =D

Anyway today was the interview, the all important one so here is my account of how it went:

(we were told politely to answer in Bahasa if we were asked a question in Bahasa)

Ok 1st question,
"Sila memperkenalkan diri anda. Ya, mula daripada kamu."
(Please start by introducing yourselfs, YES YOU THERE GET MOVING!!!)
[hehe, bahasa illiterates....]

  • Victim no.1:
Blah.... Blah.... Family story.... Blah Blah...11a1... (my brain wanders off....)

  • Victim no.2:
Blah... Blah... More stories about his life... 20a1...(or was it? Oh, nvm I was trying not to panic now.)

  • Victim no.3
Blah... Blah, (no recollection on this guy, I was next and I was hyperventilating like spongebob by now =/)

  • Victim Jiro Jiro chiven (me)
Nama Saya....Blah... Blah...


-Apatu 'hiperhidrosis'?-

Tangan saya selalu berpeluh eksesif... tak boleh diubati... Bolehlah kata cacat sikit LOL ... =|

  • Question 2 (HIGH SCORE advance to Stage 2! lol)
"What do you think about the recent change during the General Elections? Is it a indicator of better democracy or are the people just disgruntled at the gov.?"

  • Victim 1:
Politic Indonesia!!!( he has origins there)


Sila terbang balik kat malaysia...

  • Victim 2:
-No answer- =(

  • Victim 3:

-Hey there were other parties involved too you know...-
-So, how many states did opposition win (since you love opp. parties so much[hehe]) -

uh... no idea =0

-What do you mean no idea? This is your country affairs you know?-
-Name me 3 states that were lost to opposition.-

uh... Perak, Penang, melaka...

*shakes head*

  • Mr. Politik:

-So, Alex you wanted to be a politician don't you? So tell us your views...-
(Cheese, picked this question specially for me? Yum...Yum...)

I personally think it was due to general dissatisfaction.


Because of the Hindraf issue... cannot use Allah to call God(WT* who controls what we can call the Almighty?)...

(OK, here is when i added in a personal touch)
I heard PAS say that even in the Mid. East you can use Allah, no prob.
(It was better, I can't recall my words exactly)

  • Next Question:
Technology is a double edged sword. Explain your views.

  • Victim 1:
Blah... Blah...
Good, even air cond... lights...

  • Victim 2:

  • Victim 3:
Something about computers...
Good Good Good... Tech is good 4 ur mind, body and soul...

-Hey, what about pornography?-

Good outweighs bad... ect... ect...

  • ME (The Angel!):
Good if used responsibly.
For example, the aircond is bad if we use it inefficiently. CFC pollutes, Over consumption of energy also causes pollution.

-Smiles and nods-


  • So Bonus Question:
Name the International Trade Minister:

I did not have an answer, Victim 1 answered... (memorizer robot! teet* teet*) =D

So it is complete, that was my interview on my account. Overall I never felt overly nervous, just a bit, but after that I felt great. Not that bad overall, I am Alex and I can make things out of thin air (if God permits me) LOL!

Thank you all for your help and support, whatever the outcome it is fine. Me being here alone is God's plan for me.

*Updates on cheese will be weekly LOL stay calm, cheddar is on the way. =D

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cheese of the week pt. 1

From today onwards I would like to introduce a type of cheese a week!

So today, hmm, i'll pick Cottage Cheese!
Yes Cottage cheese, one of the olderst and most common type of cheese(yeah yeah, its not cedar but this is more popular on the whole)

So here is Cottage Cheese (Thanks Wikipedia =P):
-Yeah the pic looks like some kinda snow mountain.

Cottage cheese is a cheese curd product with a mild flavor. It is drained, but not pressed so some whey remains. The curd is usually washed to remove acidity giving sweet curd cheese. It is not aged or colored. Different styles of cottage cheese are made from milks with different fat levels and in small curd or large curd preparations. Cottage cheese which is pressed becomes hoop cheese, farmer cheese, pot cheese or queso blanco.

It is also eaten in salads, with fruit, with fruit puree - such as peach, raspberry, blueberry, pineapple, or strawberry - or as an ingredient in recipes like jello salad and various desserts. Also, it can be used to replace grated cheese or ricotta cheese in most recipes (such as Lasagna). It is popular among dieters and some health food devotees. Cottage cheese is a favorite food among bodybuilders for its high content of casein protein while being relatively low in fat.

The term "cottage cheese" is believed to have originated because the simple cheese was usually made in cottages from any milk leftover after making butter. The term was first used in 1848.

A Day Without Rain

Just a week ago, it was raining nearly every day, It was... I could say, a rainy streak.


I got so sick of it, I started to curse Global Warming but uh... well I couldn't do much (I'm a green guy, I walk to collage everyday =P), so I kept playing the song "A Day Without Rain"(Enya) as I looked forward to the end of the rainy season.

So just last Friday, I rose early in the morning to find the SUN! Oh old friend, how I missed the sun who dries my clothes and make everybody's day cheerful!

I had always looked forward to Fridays but this Friday was just extraordinary, It was at the end of the day, one of the best Friday I had ever have.

So today I am wearing clean clothes, lol not like I do not wash my clothes but I am just happy I am wearing clothes that I washed by myself and not sent to the "Dobi".

Football Crazy!

When the whole world was crazy over the football matches in Europe as the football season was drawing to a close fast, my church was crazy over futsal in Subang. We were in a friendly tourney, a fierce torney with fierce girls and tough boys LOL.

And so, I was elected as Mr Goalie, standing guard in front of the goal post as a meat shield. =D

But hey after 2 years, at least I could still kick the ball. I learnt a new talent that day, I could goalkeep (bah lousy meatshield.... =D) I managed saved a ton of balls (and my balls too) thanks to the automatic placing of my limbs all around the goal post like some sorta karate move LOL.

So at the end of the game, only 4 balls went through my limbs lol. Hey its 4 outa 2mil shots and thats good for a walking skeleton like me ok? =D

At the end of the torney was a star match, a "Girls Only" match, now we really see what these girls are capable of LOL, tigers with no stripes... RARW. They are tough and know no mercy on the field. A quote from Steve Irwin "They might look adorable and assumed to be tame and domesticated but they are just as wild as you can think, however attacks are rare and if they happen, there is often a reason."(There is often a reason...)

Ps. Another step to gender equality! (in aggression too)