Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lion of Judah Pt.2

Part 2:

Day 1...
Opening speech by me, heard some *WAH...* (shocking disbelieve) from the chair during my passionate speech.
-You see, my speech was very emo and was about Iran Nuke Issue
Resolution drafting... left this out... I didn't know how to draft one.

Day 2...
1. Iran Nuclear Security, Resolution by World Nuclear Association (only NGO represented)
-Muddled up, all muddled up, we were supposed to be talking about security not about nuclear power generation...

Vote: Failed with overwhelming majority.

Feelings of victory and yet remorse, they must have felt like that after defeating the Arabs in 1948. We have wasted too much time on a crappy resolution.

2. Reconciliation and restoration of Zimbabwe, by USA
The dudes from the states was great but he missed out on the reconciliation part, =D
Israel, took up the against side ALONE. Very Israeli like...
In the end, I pushed for an Amendment, an additional clause to call for the immediate release of the 2008 Zimbabwe G. elections results.

Vote: Passed with overwhelming majority. =D

Best resolution in the whole conference to me.

Day 3...
3. Role of diamonds in conflicts
This resolution was totally shortsighted, it focused mainly and only on Africa, added with a lot of junk clauses about social infrastructure(we are talking about diamonds here miss...) too long at 17 clauses.

once again, it was a lone Vendetta... Me Vs. The Hall
*Thx Sofia and Ni Juin for coming and see me speak*

I was hungry as it was before lunch and I didn't do my speech very well.

Vote: Passed with overwhelming majority, only 1 against, Israel.

4. Drug trafficking in role of financing terrorism.

Sat this one out, too tired and hungry...

Vote: Failed, I abstained.


Plenerary Session (Session where GA1+GA2* were combined and passed resolution debated again)
*GA1: Political Issues GA2: Social Issues

1. Role of Diamonds in conflict
Mmmmhhhmmm... hehe... this time, I was confident, I couldn't sit still waiting for all the FOR speeches...

My finest hour begins...

*Israel you have been granted the right to the floor*

And so, I gave the same speech as I did earlier that day, This time, I spoke with aggression and passion, so much hot air was created around me, the chair had a hard time controlling the floor, ppl laughed when I ridiculed the resolution being biased and based only on Africa...
And clapped everytime I gave a good point. I drove the chair crazy, the hall was going to explode!

I spoke like Hugo Chavez, many minds were changed others, hardened, but what did I care, I am after all Israel, the nation which may go against all UN resolutions and International laws. Israel was a man with a gun, and so I was... for 3 days.

Vote: Passed again but with a very slim majority this time.(I concluded that ppl did not know that diamonds were also found outside Africa)

The way I spoke, unintentionally proved Mr.K's lesson on plays, Actors way of acting played an important role in making the play a success. All the hot air... If only it was permanent... =D

*So u see I lost my weekend and Im dead busy with my CCA's and work till next time Toda Raba! (Thank You Very Much in Hebrew)


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