I was reading the newspaper during my 2 hour long break today and one article caught my eye.
Here is what it was all about:
Just yesterday, the nation's beloved son-in-law of our PM, Mr. Khairy Jamaluddin took the podium in Parliment and talked about the country's food production, a fine topic by my judgment considering the current food crisis the world is in.
To whet up my appetite further, he was talking about my favorite choice of meat, P-O-R-K yes i said it right, Pork.
Well, he didn't like the PKR party in Selangor to approve a pig-farming project in Sepang.
-Ok I admit, he has some points to go against pig farming as pigs consume a lot of grain and water which can be used to feed more people than the fatten pig can.(especially now with the world in it's sorry state)
But what made my day was this:
"he gave a new definition to the acronym PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat). He called it Projek Khinzir Raksasa (monsterous pig-farming project)"
and so the name calling began, a ritual in the Malaysian Parliment, today, to fit the agenda of food prices and shortages, Pork was on the menu.
Today's Menu:
Matured Opposition Babi in Red Wine
-Pork slices with smoked salmon from the recent "political tsunami" marinated with matured red wine and roasted over "hot air", nothing lavish, a layman's meal served in a high class setting but meets the highest standards of taste.
Sour Coalition Pork with Rasins
-Pork Chunks, steamed with the little steam they have left with small sweet sultanas, squeezed with some lemon juice to give that sweet and sour Mediterranean flavour.
My appetite, so whet up by now, I went on to order some roasted Vietnamnese Pork, Sour, roasted, not lavish but taste good, sweetened with "kunyit" marinate.
mmm... now now, cant the chefs get together and make a nice dish that all of us can enjoy?